What does it mean to be discipline?
As an individual, discipline is necessary because discipline helps you accomplish your goals. Having discipline helps keep the mind and body focused. Focused on what you want to achieve so that you can grow as a person. Without discipline, life becomes just another obstacle to overcome rather than a rewarding experience that we can learn from.

For example, discipline gives me motivation. It keeps me going towards my ultimate goal: to be successful in life and graduate high school. I need discipline because without discipline comes frustration and laziness. Those two things constantly try to stop me from achieving what I need for myself. Would make things harder for me. Harder to accomplish these goals of mine. Now as well as later in life. when college or work will become part of my goals.
The discipline I have developed is necessary for success. Discipline teaches you that you must set priorities in order to accomplish your goals, which I know all too well. When discipline becomes a major part of your life, it can be a very rewarding experience. Discipline helps me understand what is really important, and what isn't. It creates an understanding through discipline that opens up the mind so individual achievement can take place. There are many great examples out there of discipline. Helping people achieve their goals including but not limited to athletes, musicians, artists, authors, etc… Discipline shapes who we are as individuals both mentally and physically. It's crucial for us to have discipline in our lives. If we want to achieve things like success. Without discipline, nothing gets done.

Can discipline be learned?
I believe discipline can be learned. I know that discipline is important to have if you want to achieve things in life, especially success. If discipline was not something you could just learn. then success stories would not exist because it takes discipline to accomplish goals. For example, discipline plays a huge role in athletes, musicians, artists, etc… reaching the level of success they are at now; without discipline, those individuals wouldn't be living up to their fullest potential. Athletes practice every day and sometimes multiple times per day. Depending on what sport they play or what position they need to master. Doing so with discipline helps them stay focused on the ultimate goal which is winning the game/tournament/etc…

Can discipline save you?
Discipline can be one of the most rewarding things that you will ever have to learn. I believe discipline can save your life by helping you understand what is really important. What isn't important can help keep us out of trouble. Especially as we become adults where peer pressure becomes a big factor. For example, it helped me not get into fights with schoolmates who would try to start something with me. Because discipline makes those around you respect you more. Discipline shows people that you're confident in yourself. As well as in sportsmanship which is important if someone wants to gain discipline. Discipline opens up many doors in our lives and discipline can be learned by anyone.
What are the benefits of discipline?
There are countless benefits discipline can bring to individuals. Some benefits discipline can bring is increased self-confidence. Discipline teaches you that you must set priorities. In order to accomplish your goals. Discipline helps me understand what is really important and what isn't because it creates an understanding. Discipline opens up the mind so individual achievement can take place. It plays a huge role in helping athletes, musicians, artists, etc… In reaching the level of success they are at now. Without discipline those individuals wouldn't be living up to their fullest potential.
An athletic approach to discipline.
Athletes practice every day. And sometimes multiple times per day depending on what sport they play or what position they need to master. Doing so with discipline helps them stay focused on the ultimate goal which is winning the game/tournament etc… discipline can also help you in life by helping you understand what is really important and what isn't. This is very true when it comes to school discipline. Which can help you choose your future if discipline is something that works for you. Discipline could be your ticket into college or whatever education level you want to achieve. It will give that personal discipline that will open doors up. It's just a matter of not wasting time once they become disciplined.
Is martial art good to develop discipline?

I write about discipline because discipline is important to me, it has served me well in my life. Allowing me to stay centered, in the calm of the storm. What I chose as my discipline example is KettleBells. KettleBells is a workout routine/program with a very unique way of exercising. Which includes exercises like, walking with the KettleBell or squats with the KettleBell. Some may think that doing these types of exercises is crazy but many people find this kind of exercise beneficial. Not only because it keeps them in shape but also because discipline helps them focus on achieving their goals. In learning martial arts you learn discipline, self-control, focus, determination, respect for yourself and your opponent/opponent's family/teachers etc…
Accomplish anything.
Through discipline, you can accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do. Discipline is very important in martial arts.
Without discipline, martial arts would just be another exercise fad, routine.
Discipline is very beneficial in learning a new skill or just being a part of a sport that requires discipline.
Throughout the years discipline came easier for me with practice and being around people who have disciplined themselves also helped. I was able to see how important it was.
Discipline will serve you well in life, start today.
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